Pastor Wrinkles: Chapter Charts Pt. 57

Most people think that to be holy means to be really good or righteous. Leviticus paints a different picture of the word “holy”. Sure righteousness and goodness are wrapped in with holiness, but the basic thought behind holiness is separation for a specific purpose.

Do you have a good set of china you use only for the holidays? That china is holy… set aside for the holidays. The idea behind Israel’s law was not primarily about good versus bad (though certainly many of the laws were indicative of right vs wrong) but about special versus common…holy versus mundane.  As I look at the chapter charts today I see  some themes about holiness.

Leviticus chapter 21 sermon topics/titles:

1. Separated From Death :Lev. 21:1-4

2.Separated From Fashion: Lev. 21: 5,6

3. Separated From Culture: Lev. 21:7-15

Leviticus chapter 22 sermon topics/titles:

1. Separated to Sacrifice: Lev. 22: 1-16

2. Give Your Best: Lev. 22: 17-33

3. The Name On the Line: Lev. 22: 31-33

What do you see? 🙂

11 thoughts on “Pastor Wrinkles: Chapter Charts Pt. 57

  1. I like the separation theme here. To live a life of separation is what it is all about isn’t it? To live separate from the world but drawn to the lost is the life He wants for us right?
    Leviticus 21
    1. Are you ready to become holy? 21:8
    2. He can help. Do not defile yourself. 21:11-15
    3. Let Him wash away your defects. 21:17-22
    Leviticus 22
    1. Will you take claim to His sacred offering? 22:4-7
    2. Can you hear His whisper? Return home. 22:13
    3. He deserves a worthy offering, are you willing? 22:17-30

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