
     A reader encouraged me the other day to keep my eyes focused on the good and not the bad. It’s good advice. It’s hard to do. Good and bad exist in our world and let’s face it “bad” is the cranky kid who whines and usually gets the front seat in life. “Bad” news sells. “Bad” news gets us sympathy. It also kills our personality and sucks the joy out of everything around us.

    Meanwhile “good” is the child content with the back seat because it gives him a better view of the sky.

     Good understands that life is full of thorn bushes but he can only see the berries

     Good is the one making the most out of every opportunity, learning from past mistakes, and moving forward with anticipation to try something new.

Good is what Jesus would have me focus on.

Why do I struggle with that focus? Suggestions?

6 thoughts on “Good

  1. Pastor J . . .that is a constant battle isn’t it?
    One thing that I’ve been trying this year, thanks to Ann Voskamp and her blog and book, “One thousand gifts”, is to write down daily “joys”. Little things, big things, hard things. The thought is that by writing them down, and continuing on until we hit 1,000 (and then starting again!), that we will be training ourselves to see Him and the good of Him and His joy in our day. 🙂
    God bless you as you focus on the good God!

    • Debbie, Thanks so much for the suggestion. I have a thanksgiving list started! I think I am going to take this suggestion and go for a thousand! 🙂

  2. Pastor J,
    Four years ago, I was focused on something other than Jesus. I could only see the bad in my life and the “why me” kept creeping into my thoughts. I did alot of crying while reading Psalms & Proverbs but I soon surrendered my burdens that had a grip on my heart. I had to give them to the only one who could help me, God. I once read, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” Sometimes we have to “dance in the rain” while we wait for that rainbow to shine. I thank God for drawing me closer to Him during that season in my life that was not so good. I really try hard to see how God will turn the “bad” situations in my life into something good. I admit sometimes it is really hard to see through a torrential downpour, but eventually the rain does clear and there is a beautiful rainbow. I have faith that God will keep his promises to you. God loves his children and he always keeps his promises. God’s timing. Debby

    • Thanks Deb! “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” , is one of my favorite sayings. Like you I am learningto keep my eyes on the One who saved me. Dancing in the rain in praise of my Savior has helped me to hold on to Jesus more tightly than ever before. His timing is perfect! Thanks for the encouraging word.

  3. I believe there is a worship song for every season. And finding it can be an adventure and quite exciting. I know when there are hard times before me a “God appointed” song has helped carry me as i carry its tune. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Silly as it sounds, it really does work!

    • You are so right Angela! And you have just been used to confirm the topic of my next post 🙂 Thanks for sharing this truth. In old time Pentecost pastors carried two books for their encouragement: The Bible and the hymnal. God has always used music to soothe, comfort, and encourage his people.

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